
  carona (ver).

Diccionario de Guanacastequismos. . 2014.

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  • Frentera — on bridle in the British museum, Etruscan, c. 700 650 BC A frentera is a part of some halters and bridles, usually on a horse. It is a cord, strap, or chain on the face of the horse that is attached to the crownpiece or browband and runs down the …   Wikipedia

  • Bridle — A bridle is a piece of equipment used to control a horse. The bridle fits over a horse s head, and has the purpose of controlling the horse. It holds a bit in the horse s mouth. As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, a bridle includes a… …   Wikipedia

  • Noseband — Parade horse regalia, showing a noseband attached to a bridle, an example of a noseband used primarily for style, though it also is the point of attachment for a standing martingale. A noseband is the part of a horse s bridle that encircles the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit guard — Polo pony wearing a Pelham bit with bit guards A bit guard (cheek guard in Australia) is a specialty piece of horse tack: a washer, usually made of flexible rubber, that is sometimes used in pairs on a bit …   Wikipedia

  • Chaperon (headgear) — Portrait presumed to be of Giovanni Arnolfini by Jan van Eyck, late 1430s. The chaperon is worn with cornette tied on top of the head, and the patte hanging behind (style C). The bourrelet is twisted.[1] Chaperon (pronounced …   Wikipedia

  • Bosal — A bosal (IPAEng|boʊ sɑl, IPAEng|boʊ sæl or sometimes IPAEng| boʊsəl; Spanish: IPA2|β̞o sal) is a type of noseband used on the classic hackamore of the vaquero tradition. It is usually made of braided rawhide and is fitted to the horse in a manner …   Wikipedia

  • Fiador (tack) — A fiador (IPAEng| fiədɔɹ) is an accessory on some hackamores and bridles, and use of its characteristic fiador knot is also sometimes seen on certain designs of halters. It is used as a type of throatlatch. A fiador runs from the poll, under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bosal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Caballo con bosal. Un bosal es un aparejo de sogas que rodean el cuello, frente y hocico del caballo. Esta compuesto por el anillo o cogotera, travesaño, hociquera, cabezada o tiros, testera o frentera, y fiador.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Distrito de Ayapata — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El distrito de Ayapata se encuentra en la Provincia de Carabaya, Departamento de Puno en Perú Etimología Parece originarse de dos voces quechuas Aya: muerto y Pata: loma. Así, Loma de los Muertos sería una traducción …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lina Marulanda — Marulanda en 2009 Nombre …   Wikipedia Español

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